
Texwipe TX1036 AlphaSat with AlphaWipe Wipers

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Sold by the bag
75 wipes/bag

Size: 6" x 6" (15 cm x 15 cm)

AlphaSat® CleanPaks® incorporate ITW Texwipe’s AlphaWipe® cut-edge polyester wipers with 70% semiconductor-grade isopropyl alcohol (IPA) in easy-to-use reclosable slider packages. Chosen for their ultralow particle-generating characteristics and low extractable levels, these wipers offer superior strength in a continuous-filament knitted substrate. This substrate is pre-wetted with a 0.2 µm filtered, isopropyl alcohol (semiconductor grade) and deionized water.

AlphaSat® products are packaged in a cleanroom environment and are protected in a sealed outer bag for contamination-free introduction into the cleanroom.

■Reclosable bag with internal security seal
■Wipers pre-wetted with accurately diluted, measured volumes
of semiconductor-grade IPA/deionized water solution
■Packaged in solvent-safe plastic that can be wiped down prior to
introduction into the cleanroom
■Best quality polyester wipers
■Gloves won't stick to or be contaminated by adhesive

Detailed Specification Sheet